Saturday, November 14, 2009

Introduction to the Aspie Bandit

Hello I'm Liz and I have Aspers syndrome. I was diagnosed when I was 14 years old, last year, Or rather early this year January 09 I had a lap band put in to help with my morbid obesity so far I have lost 88 pounds. I plan on using this blog as my Journal my way to rant and rave and pretty much whatever else comes to mind. I hope you enjoy reading it and I hope. Maybe it helps you to have an easier understanding of what and Aspe goes through in a day.

I happen to have an obsession with Disney World. The one place, I feel like I can be myself I don't have to pretend to be grown up I have a trip to Disney World plan for early December 09. And I can't wait.

I do wait if you see any weird or grammatical errors or odd punctuation or whatever please blame it on Dragon NaturallySpeaking. As I don't type or write very well, I use this program to help me get my thoughts on paper or rather on computer screen and sometimes it just plain messes up. And I don't catch it.

I hope you like my blog, and I hope I can be entertaining, and it might mean to people out there. Stay tuned for the next episode in the soap opera that is my life.
Liz, The Aspie Bandit